Most likely, you will change the type of goods you import several times over the years according to what the market needs most. Here are the most popular and the best products to import from China when you want to break into the African market!
Africa is a large continent populated by millions of people. There are African countries with a population that reaches close to 200 million people, such as Nigeria. This aspect makes food and agriculture products a “must have” in any African country. Africans like to consume a lot of rice.
They even incorporated it into their culture and made it part of their traditional cuisine. And the most consumed type of rice in Africa is the white rice which can be easily imported from China. Along the years, African governments in different countries tried to create a farming industry that will supply the amount of rice at least at a national level. But the quality of the rice produced in Africa turned out to be lower than the quality of the imported rice. This is one of the reasons why Africa keeps importing rice from countries like China.
Sugar is another type of goods that are imported from China along with different vegetables and even meat. Since the urbanization process started and more Africans started life in the city, the demand for these types of goods increased. Also, food products are also some of the cheap products to import from China, which makes them even more popular.
Clothing is a basic type of good to import in Africa, and it will always be in demand. China offers quality materials and apparel that can be imported into almost any African country. While Africa imports a lot of second-hand clothes from countries like the USA, it also imports a lot of brand new clothes from China.
The reason African people prefer Chinese apparel is not only based on its high quality but also on its affordable price. And if the clothes are adapted to the African traditions, there is no risk of failure for the importer or the exporter.
Many importers are also oriented to bring Chinese textiles into African markets. These textiles can later on re-modified into different clothes or decorative items. And if a high quantity of textiles is imported, the price goes down significantly. Clothes and textiles are some of the most profitable products to import from China.
The automotive market is in constant development, and China is one of the main suppliers regarding vehicles. Also, importers bring in the African markets different pieces from China, used to repair certain cars. It is an entire industry that can bring a lot of opportunities for import-export companies and increase their profit fast.
Africa needs high-quality vehicles to function on the rough streets and poor infrastructure found on the continent. And China understood these needs very well, so a lot of new models appeared on the market to satisfy them. However, the local infrastructure is also improving in a lot of African countries. China is not only exporting goods for the automotive market but also contributing to the improvements that need to be done.
Also, there is a high demand for other vehicles such as motorcycles. Such products can be very popular even in the poor African countries because they are highly efficient and easy to maintain. For experienced importers and exporters, vehicles are an opportunity and a fast way to increase their profit.
Another type of goods that are in high demand in Africa is electronics. China is a great producer of all kinds of electronics and gadgets from phones to laptops and many others. One can import high price electronics from China or cheap ones. Both categories will sell fine on almost any African market.
The most popular electronics are phones. China offers a wide range of phones of all kinds and some of them like Huawei made it to international fame. And Africans are big fans of technology so as long as they can access a quality product at an affordable price, they will buy it.
Many importers decided to orientate their business on these types of goods because they are easy to sell and bring a good profit. Cables and pieces for different electronics are also in high demand in Africa. These types of goods are selling even better in urban areas where almost half of the continent lives. And the most developed country from this perspective is Nigeria. Overall, electronics are some of the hot products to import from China because of their increased popularity.
The process of urbanization is once again responsible for the increased demand for plastic products. Africa is a great consumer of plastic and articles made of plastic. They import most of these plastic goods from China at a very friendly price. Plastic is the main material used at packaging in most African stores and markets. Plastic is also used for toys, bottles and many other industries which is why the imports of this material are high every year.
Even if African countries tried to develop a plan to supply the demand for plastic locally without importing it, it still needs time to be implemented right. And since so many millions of African people live in the urban areas, the demand keeps growing from year to year. But China is a great supplier of such goods so, until better options appear, Africa can rely on Chinese producers.
Pharmaceutical products are also a great opportunity to consider for many importers that want to break into an African market. The health industry is one of the most important industries, and there are very little risks to be taken in this industry.
Africa holds over 24 percent of the world’s disease burden which makes the need for drugs to be even higher. The poverty in different African countries and the low level of nutrition for people only contribute to the different diseases found on the continent. Also, the low level of hygiene is to blame for most health problems found in Africa.
To meet all the pharmaceutical needs, China has good offers for the African market. Not only the drugs are cheaper than similar ones from other countries, but they are of good quality as well. Importers who want to dive into this type of trading should consider staying informed when it comes to norms and specific regulations.
Importing drugs and pharmaceutical products, in general, can be challenging, but it can also bring a lot of profit. Make sure you follow the pharmaceutical guidelines to be able to fulfill such an import-export process.
If you are wondering which product import from China to Africa, the list above should give you an idea to start with. But the opportunities don’t stop here! You can study the local African market that you want to enter and identify the most profitable opportunities present.
Each African country is different, and they tend to have different needs as well. What works in Nigeria might not work in Ghana for instance. The good news is that regardless of what are the specific needs of a country, chances are China has what it takes to meet the demand